Christopher Hohl M.A.

PhD Student | Bodies and Performances

Since my studies in cultural anthropology, I have been interested in the social conceptualization of the human body. Initially, my focus was on the historical advent of the category of race and everyday practices of racialization in South Africa.

As a member of the research project “Melanin Matters: Coloristic Human Differentiation,” I am now looking into society’s perception of persons with albinism. What makes this subject interesting for the Collaborative Research Center are the various interpretations of this particularly light skin tone, which situate it in very different categories of human differentiations.

In my research, I focus on self- and other-presentation of persons with albinism in everyday life and media productions and on forms of their social ex- and inclusion in Nigeria and Germany. In doing so, I explore how categorical belonging is produced through the practical (de-)thematization of skin color.

Foto: Stephanie Füssenich