Prof. Dr. Friedemann Kreuder
Principal Investigator | Bodies and Performances
I am Professor for Theatre Studies at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. I have published books about the theatre of German director Klaus Michael Grüber (Formen des Erinnerns im Theater Klaus Michael Grübers, Berlin 2002) and the bourgeois theatre of the 18th century (Spielräume der Identität in Theaterformen des 18. Jahrhunderts, Tübingen 2010), as well as articles about the theatre of Richard Wagner, medieval passion plays, theatre in the early modern, and contemporary German straight theatre between reproduction and transgression of body-based distinction (gender and race).
My expectation of my work at the Collaborative Research Center is that it will enable me to explore theater-aesthetic questions in an empirically deeper manner, for instance on ethical ‘regime change’ in the arts. I would like to conduct theatre studies on the subject of postdramatic experimental forms of theatre as a performance analysis supplemented by differentiation research and informed by social sciences.
Foto: Stephanie Füssenich